New design in brushed stainless steel and will stay smart for the life of the car with minimum maintenance.
This trim fits over the rear section of the standard heatshield and smartens up the look of the view through the bumper.
This supersedes my old design which was a perforated sheet of a thinner material.
This new design is 2mm thick brushed stainless steel and carries my logo so you can be assured it's not a copy and guess what?? It's cheaper than the copies! Now only £25 plus vat (if applicable)
Note the heatshield exhaust brackets that these attach to are invariably rusty so check your car and order a set of new stainless steel brackets as a kit of parts ( see stainless steel exhaust hanger brackets) £23.80 plus vat
NOTE I make full heatshield replacement in stainless so check this out if yours is tatty but don't order both!