Tricky but learn from my mistakes?
SS door pins
Work well if your doors are beginning to creak or sag but not as easy a job as might at first seem. Doors are heavy & tend to lever - it’s all too easy to knock paint off the edges done on your own!
I suggest:
Recruit 1 mate.
Draw round the hinges where fixed to A-frame and door with a marker pen. Disconnect strap. Open door fully. Support door weight underneath & stop it tipping inward and outward so it doesn’t pull on electric cable. Don’t put any weight on sill or car seat while job is being done.
Take out hinges one at a time repair & replace. Bottom first, out, on bench, circlip off, pin out, bushes out - oem are black plastic with metal ring inside but shredded by time of replacement. New SS bushes push in easily. A little grease. Re-assemble tapping pin ‘splines’ into previous indents in hinge & put on circlip. Refit hinge lining up to pen marks drawn on A frame and door. Repeat with top hinge. Refit strap. You may need to readjust hinges and/or door catch on B frame but this method protects edge of door from damage and makes realigning door easier.(according to me).